All About Leticia


I’ve never actually put my personal story on a public platform and it’s a little scary. Gratefully, I know that the Montessori community is very welcoming.  I started my Montessori journey, probably like most have, because of my children. I graduated from Westminster with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with a Minor in Teaching English as a Second Language. I taught for a few years in various traditional schools. As a 1st grade, and 5th grade teacher. When it was time for my oldest to begin school I knew I wanted something that would foster his tender spirit. I happened upon Montessori from a professor of mine during my degree who owned her own Montessori school. I walked in and fell in love. It felt like home. Both me and my son felt immediately comfortable. I knew this was what he needed. During his time in school I started reading and researching. I studied all I could about it. I knew that I needed to be a Montessorian. I went to the school and applied for any job they would give me. Anything to allow me to observe, learn and soak in as much knowledge as I could.

Life of course has a way of taking its own course and I stayed home until my second child was 18 months old and returned to the school to work. I worked as a teacher while going through training and lots of self study. I worked in an Early Childhood classroom for a few years and then decided I needed to learn more. I went back to Westminster for my Montessori credential in Montessori Administration with a major focus on Lower Elementary. I love understanding and knowing the larger scope of Infancy to lower elementary age. Maria Montessori was so thoughtful and mindful of how things were designed. She could see the grandeur of it all!

Montessori isn’t just a means of education for me, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a guidepost of how to raise my children and have full respect for who they are individually.  They both currently attend a Montessori school and are the joy in my life. I still currently work at the school they attend as a reading specialist and absolutely LOVE working with children. Teaching is a part of who I am, it brings me joy. I am, like my colleagues, a HUGE child advocate! Children deserve our utmost respect and understanding. 

As much as children deserve respect WE as adults deserve it of each other just as much. Throughout my Montessori journey I’ve learned so much about myself, and still am. I am a lover of service. I think that’s why I love teaching so much.  Being a lover of service makes self care a huge hurdle for me that I’m continuously working on, to get more insight on that see our Inner Peace post.  Sometimes my lack of self care causes stress to my wonderful husband. I am a type 1 diabetic and should be really great at self care.


I was diagnosed at age 19, right before my husband proposed to me. It doesn’t run in my family and the doctors aren’t sure what really brought it on. It has been a huge learning curve for me. I’m able to stay healthy and stable with daily practice. I’ve been grateful for my Montessori training to help explain to my children and teach them how to help me in emergency situations, which fortunately doesn't happen often. My husband James is my biggest supporter from managing my diabetes to life itself.

James and I have been married for 11 years and have lived in Utah our entire marriage. We both have traveled the world and are so excited to continue our love of traveling this year with our two boys. We are so excited to explore this new phase of life and approach it with grace. I appreciate how much James has embraced and seen the importance of Montessori theory in our home. 

Montessori, much like my many others, is my passion. I love the possibilities of what to come when a child’s potential is unleashed and I can’t wait to see what my boys will do, and what other children can do in this beautiful life.

